Review & Feedback on Media

Reviewing media

Once you’ve added the media, you can start to Review it.

If you’ve loaded a Version, you’ll be able to click 'Play' or click anywhere on the timeline to jump directly to the part of the Version you want to see.

Please note: Advanced playback options can be found here.


Drawing options

The drawing options are displayed in the center of the lower toolbar.

All the drawing tools are enabled by default, and your drawings and sketches are saved automatically to the frame without needing to post them separately.

You can change your drawing color, line thickness, Flip or Flop the image, Ghost, Compare the versions, access all the Annotation tools, and clear the annotations at any time using the ‘Clear annotations’ button.

Please note: Clearing annotations will not clear any previously attached annotations on existing notes - they will remain captured with the feedback.


If you make a drawing, and then write a note, and enter/Post, the note will be created along with an attached frame that shows the drawing.

If you then use the 'Clear annotations' button to clear the frame, the drawing will disappear from the player, but the attached frame will remain with the note, and the attached frame will still show the drawing. So all notes will always capture the state of the frame at the point of posting, regardless of what happens afterward.

Annotation tools

If you select the purple 'Annotation tool' icon, you can see the list of different Annotation tools.


This list includes:

  • Brush - for hand drawing (enabled by default)
  • Arrow - for uniform quick-draw arrows
  • Circle and Square - for easy, uniform shape creation
  • Eraser - erases any drawn annotations
  • Laser - acts as a laser pointer when you want to highlight an area during a Sync without markup
  • Zoom - zooms in on your view area
  • Pan - pan around your zoomed-in view area




You can also attach a file or add text notes by typing directly into the redesigned 'Feedback' section on the right-hand side of the Review interface.

Just type in your note and click on the purple arrow to the right of your text to post - you’ll see the new note added.


You can expand all notes to see all annotations, saved frames, and attachments, plus the colored timeline pips reveal how recently feedback was posted, helping you to spot the most recent feedback first.

Please note: In the Feedback section, every note is frame specific.


You can see the feedback per frame, and you’ll only see the frames which are containing annotations.

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